A Diary Entry by Miranda


Dear diary,

Today was such an interesting day, there was a huge storm which caused a ship to wreck right of the shore of our island. My father, Prospero, and I watched as it happened and I asked my father to make sure no one got hurt and he assured me that no one was harmed, so I felt a lot better about the shipwreck. After the ship wrecked, my father told me that I was finally old enough to learn who I really was, and where I come from. It turns out that my father was the Duke of Milan and that he was famous for his intelligence. He began getting too involved in his studies and began neglecting his duties as the Duke of Milan and while he was distracted, my Uncle Antonio began making a plan to get rid of him. Uncle Antonio got some help from the King of Naples and got an army together to march Milan and drive my dad out of Milan. Luckily, there was a boat that some loyal subjects had prepared for us in order to escape. We floated and floated until we reached the island we live on now. After hearing this, I was so shocked! I never even knew I had lived anywhere but this Island. It was pretty cool to find out, but it made me hate my Uncle Antonio because he ruined my chance at ever having a normal life. I am starting to get tired, so I will write more later. Goodnight diary!


Well that nap did not last very long, dad made me get up for some odd reason. I am actually pretty happy he made me wake up because I met the most wonderful boy. His name is Ferdinand, and he was on the shipwreck. Oh my goodness…he is so cute! I have never seen any other humans besides my dad and Caliban, our servant. He told us that he was the Prince of Naples, which makes him even cuter, but all of the sudden my dad accused him of lying and told him he was going to imprison him. I was so angry at my father! I tried to change his mind but then he yelled at me and took Ferdinand somewhere. Later on, Ferdinand finally got to come back, but he was carrying wood for my father. I told him to stop doing his work and let me do it for him, but he is such a gentleman that he would not let me. He knows how to make a girl feel pretty because he told me my name means “admiration” in Latin. He is so dreamy, so I asked him if he loved me and he said yes! I told him we should just get married and he agreed with me! I can’t tell if I am being crazy for getting married to someone after only knowing them for one day, but I get butterflies in my stomach every time I see him. I just cannot help myself and I want to give love a chance, so I guess I am just going to put those doubts in the back of my mind because my dad actually gave us his blessing. My father giving us his blessing has to be a sign that I am making the right decision. He even got some spirits to perform a beautiful masque for us. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Although, during the dance of reapers and nymps, my dad interrupted and freaked out. I was kind of mad, that he made the dance end early, but it is okay because I am marrying the man of my dreams. Ferdinand and I decided to play some chess for a little bit and all of the sudden a bunch of people appeared. One of them happened to be Ferdinand’s father, King Alonso. Ferdinand told him about the marriage and the King seemed pretty excited too. My dad made amends with everyone that hurt him in the past and we are all going to go back to Italy to live happily ever after. This has been the best day ever and I cannot wait to see what happens in the future!

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